Wednesday, May 27, 2015

TOW #28: TOW Reflection

Throughout the course of the year, after having written numerous TOW posts, I realized that my overall style of writing has become smoother. With each post, I felt less and less like I was writing a specifically structured response to really just writing a clear and personal analysis of a text, whether it be visual or written. Although the posts could at times be a nuisance, I believe that writing one every week helped me develop and implement my skills as a writer. I think that these posts helped me in mastering the formulation of proper thesis statements and I attempted to include a context, claim and consequence in each. I also tried to vary my use of rhetorical strategies and utilizing different terms and examples aided me in remembering the many devices. At first, I used many texts from the source, Time magazine, but as the year progressed, I got tired of seeing the same sort of text and I thus attempted to use many different credible sources. This exposure to various sources allowed me to analyze texts of numerous topics. Though these posts really helped me, I believe that there are many things I could have done in order to reap more benefit from them. Towards the end of the year, I felt that my own writing style started to show and that I was not really following a set format. However, I think that I could have embraced this fact to a larger extent and done so much earlier in the year. I also often wrote the posts in one large paragraph. If I had broken them down more, I feel that the writing would be more complex and would maybe even provide more practice with topic sentences. However, despite these facts, I believe that these TOW posts were incredibly beneficial. Relentlessly writing one every week provided constant practice of analyzing different texts and of writing a mini-analysis essay of sorts. Since we wrote analysis essays at the beginning of the year, the TOWs kept those skills fresh in our mind by allowing us to write them on a much smaller scale. I really enjoyed the exposure to many texts and I appreciate how the TOWs helped me develop into a better student and writer.

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