Saturday, April 11, 2015

TOW #25 - Words Don't Mean What They Mean

In the excerpt, Words Don't Mean What They Mean, from his book, The Stuff of Thought, Steven Pinker discusses the various meanings of words in different conversations. A psychologist, author and linguist, Pinker uses his background in cognitive studies to delve deeper into words and their different implications. To essentially everyone who speaks English, because this subject applies to those who are learning the language as well, he compares anecdotes from pop culture and utilizes metaphors to emphasize the importance of the intricacies of language and how misleading it can be. Throughout the excerpt, Pinker often returns to his examples from the movie, Tootsie, and the TV show, Seinfeld, while discussing the convolutedness of sexual relationships. He says, "It is in the arena of sexual relationships, however, that the linguistic dance can be its most elaborate. In an episode of Seinfeld, George is asked by his date is would like to come up for coffee. He declines, explaining that caffeine keeps him up at night. Later he slaps his forehead: " 'Coffee' doesn't mean Coffee! 'Coffee' means sex!" The moment is funny but it's also a reminder of just how carefully romantic partners must always tread. Make too blatant a request, as in Tootsie, and the hearer is offended; too subtle, as in Seinfeld, and it can go over the hearer's head." Though this example is long, it really gets the authors main idea across: that words often have an implied meaning, which can convolute one's ideas and actions, much like George in Seinfeld. Pinker also utilizes metaphors to emphasize his point of the importance understanding the various meanings of language. In the conclusion of this section, he says, "Language is a window into human nature, but it is also a fistula, an open wound through we're exposed to an infectious world." This comparison is incredibly important because it states the benefits and draw-backs of language. It allows us to communicate and understand each other but it can also be potentially harmful. Overall, I thought that this piece was incredibly interesting. I love reading about language and Steven Pinker did a fabulous job delving deep into the details of it.